MDHA’s Board of Commissioners will meet in person for the May 6, 2021, committee meetings. The Joint Finance and Development Committee meeting will begin at 8:45 a.m. In an effort to comply with Metro’s rule of 15 or fewer people in an indoor space, which remains in effect until May 14, we are asking that everyone else join virtually. The meeting will be streamed live and can be viewed on MDHA’s website, Look for a link on the home page under the Latest News section.
Finance & Audit Committee
Emily Thaden, Committee Chair
Aole Ansari
Antoinette Batts
Marcus Campbell
Bill Purcell
Development Committee
Aole Ansari, Committee Chair
Kay Bowers
Marcus Campbell
Paulette Coleman
Bill Purcell
Emily Thaden
- Call to Order.
- Approval of Minutes from the April 8, 2021 Joint Committee Meeting.
- Disposition of 1608B – 7th Avenue North (Board decision required in May).
- PILOT Agreement – 900 Dickerson Pike (Board decision required in June).
- PILOT Agreement – Fairgrounds Site C (Board decision required in June).
- Budget to Actual Reports for March 31, 2021 (Presentation).
- CWA Opportunity (Presentation).
- Old Business.
- New Business.
- Adjournment.
Published On: May 3, 2021