1. Approval of PHA Five-Year Plan and Annual Plan for the year beginning October 1, 2019.

Agency staff has prepared the Five-Year and Annual Plans for the period beginning October 1, 2019. The Plans represent updates and progress reporting against the Five-Year Plan adopted in 2014.  While the Agency currently has no Public Housing Program units, the Plans do provide for the use of Faircloth Amendment authority to build such units in the future.  Public notice was published in the Tennessean advising the availability of a draft of the plan as well as supporting documentation.  A public hearing was held following the May 14, 2019 Board meeting.  Approval of the required resolution and certifications is requested.


  1. Approval of Financing for Curb Victory Hall.

Board approval of the financing resolution for Curb Victory Hall is requested. Pinnacle Bank will provide approximately $5.9 million in LIHTC equity, $1.2 million in proceeds from a CITC loan, and $80,000 from a market-rate loan. MDHA is the developer of this project along with Giarratana, LLC, which is providing consulting and development services, and Operation Stand Down Tennessee, which is leasing the Curb Victory Hall Property to Victory Hall, L.P., the tax credit entity formed to own the project. The resolution also notes that MDHA and/or its affiliate entities were awarded $500,000 from the THDA Tennessee Housing Trust Fund and received a $500,000 donation from Mike Curb, through Curb Records, Inc. The resolution also provides that Victory Hall, L.P. will take an assignment of the project documents.


  1. Approval of Substantial Amendment 1 to the 2018-2023 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development and the Annual Update Program Year Two (2019) Annual Action Plan.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires a Consolidated Plan to be completed every five years and an Annual Action Plan to be completed each program year (PY). MDHA has prepared for submittal to HUD Substantial Amendment 1 to the 2018-2023 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development and the Annual Update for Program Year Two (2019 Action Plan). The 2019 Action Plan describes community needs and funding priorities for the 2019-2020 Program Year (June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020) and serves as Metro Nashville’s application for receiving funds for the following programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). The draft Action Plan was available for review and public comment from April 11 through May 15, 2019.  During the public comment period, MDHA held a public hearing on April 23, 2019. Board approval is requested of the 2019 Action Plan and Substantial Amendment 1 to the 2018-2023 Consolidated Plan.  Submittal to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development will follow after approval by the Board and the Metro Council.


  1. Award of contract for Construction Manager at Risk Services for the Cayce Community Campus Project.

Board approval to negotiate a fee and enter into a contract with American Constructors to provide Construction Manager at Risk Services for the construction of Cayce Community Campus Project is requested. There are two phases to this contract, preconstruction and construction, with preconstruction services at a cost of $30,000.  A GMP Amendment is required to continue the construction phase; approval will be requested once the final GMP has been established.  A total of six (6) proposals were submitted, based on specific criteria, the evaluation committee interviewed staff from three (3) and selected American Constructors to provide this service.  Funding for the pre-construction services will be from MDHA unrestricted reserves.  MDHA’s estimated cost of work for the project is $26.2 million.

  1. Approval of Boscobel III, L.P. Early Release Package for Grading and Utilities.

Board approval is requested to proceed with Early Release packages 1, 2, and 3 for the Boscobel III project for $3,811,667.17. RG Anderson, the construction manager at risk, has requested to start work on the erosion controls, asbestos abatement, demolition, grading, and utilities ahead of the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal and full building permit in accordance with the Project’s fast-tracked schedule.  The cost of work stated above aligns with RG Anderson’s most recent estimate based on the Design Development drawings and specifications.  These costs will be incorporated into the Guaranteed Maximum Price to be presented to the Board in the coming months.



Published On: June 7, 2019