The Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency will accept online only applications for its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waiting list from noon Sept. 13 until 3 p.m. Sept. 19, 2017.
The HCV waiting list is NOT on a first-come, first-served basis, so as long as you apply during the waiting list period, you have an equal chance of being placed near the top of the waiting list.
Applications for the waiting list will be available online only at beginning at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017. Applicants will click on the button that says Apply for Section 8. A valid email address is required, and all applicants will need to create a NEW username and password. Anyone currently on the HCV waiting list will need to reapply.
Anyone needing access to a computer may visit a public library. For participants who need assistance with the online application, MDHA staff will be available from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 14 and Friday, Sept. 15 at the Randee Rogers Training Center, located at 1419 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard. There will be no computers or staff available to assist at the Rental Assistance office on Dew St. Paper applications will not be accepted unless necessary as a reasonable accommodation for a person who has a disability.
Again, each applicant’s position on the waiting list is NOT on a first-come, first-served basis. It’s NOT necessary to stand in line or rush in on the first day to be the first to submit your application. The date and time you submit your application will not affect your position on the waiting list. More information on how the application process works will be available when you complete your application.
Through the Section 8 HCV Program, low-income individuals and families pay between 30 and 40 percent of their adjusted income, or a minimum of $50 towards their rent and utilities, and MDHA pays the landlord the difference. The program allows property owners to receive fair market value for their units, while providing individuals and families an affordable place to live. In order to qualify, participants must make less than 50 percent of area median income, which equals $24,050 for an individual and $34,350 for a family of four.
The HCV Program is the federal government’s major program for assisting low-income individuals and families. Through this program, MDHA assists more than 7,000 families in Davidson County.
The Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, color, national origin, religion, disability or any other legally protected status in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities. For assistance with language interpretation or other accommodation or service, call 615-782-3960.